Youthful Indiscretions
I found an old exercise book from my university days while clearing my little box room/ study today.
A centipede with a c
has a hundred legs
A sentipede with an s
smells of rotten eggs
If I grow up,
All day long I’ll take cool refreshing sips
Of coke, pepsi and seven up
And eat nuffin but crisps
Hercules’ Eleventh
(Painting the Forth Bridge)
Bristle-less my brush and parched my paint
Exhausted am I, ready with fatigue to faint,
But my work is done, adieu cruel July sun.
I shall now rest my wearied head on my feathered bed.
They can wait the Tyne, the Severn and the Humber
For I shall succumb to the sweet ecstasies of post-coital slumber
Summed Up
A synopsis of grownupsis is:
If it pleases you,
then it’s taboo.