The Pestilence Play
This is a dramatic adaptation of La Fontaine’s famous fable, in a one-act format. It can be staged as a school play or by youth groups. Permission can be sought from; there will be no charge until December 31. 2025.
A play in One Act
The actors can wear an animal mask, but can alternately carry a mask with a stick. In a school situation, it would be easy to have an actor playing one part, but one can imagine a smaller cast, with one actor playing different parts. Conceivably it would be even a one-person play.
The narrator is the Owl. Each character will make their typical cries, in the middle of their speech. Lion will growl, Dog will bark etc… this must not be overdone.
Owl: (hoots)
Can you feel the gloom
in the forest_ flowers no longer bloom
birds have stopped singing,
bees are no longer buzzing
wolves no longer howl
no more do lions growl
we all just wail and cry
and keep asking why:
A cataclysmic affliction
that Heavens in exasperation
visited on Earth for the crimes of our times
not to be vague, the plague_
which can in one day fill with the dead
the Styx from the top to the river bed
was aimed at the beasts of the forest
though not all were laid to rest.
Some after a while recovered
though above, the curse still hovered
but that zest for life was gone
in our eyes no light shone
of our joie de vivre
there was left not one sliver
( hoots)
nowhere in the bush would you meet
a beast seeking for things to eat
neither wolf nor fox rejoiced at the sight
of some sweet and tasty little mite
Wolf, Lion, Turtles Doves, Donkey, Serpent, Tiger_ actors in masks walk in dejectedly, slowly, aimlessly, shoulders hunched up. The turtle doves come forward on opposite side of stage and start walking towards each other slowly, but quicken as they get nearer and walk past each other without looking at each other
Owl: Turtle doves keep out of each others’ way
though it once rules the waves, love no longer hold sway
King Lion called a convention
and thus spake to the nation
Lion: (growls)
Tis the Lord above inflicted this calamity
to chastise our poor morality
the pestilence visited upon us
is for our own behaviour heinous
only the sacrifice of the guiltiest of us
will pacify heavenly animus
ancient wisdom shows that sins and vices
can only be cleansed by proper sacrifices
let us banish self-indulgence
and act in accordance to our conscience
The animals begin by agreeing unenthusiastically to the words of Lion King, but this grows in intensity
Lion: (growls)
First hear my mea culpa
then if you think it proper
each one do your own
Owl will take it all down
and because we’re a democracy
meaning our choice will be easy
we’ll vote by a show of hands
the fellow whose life must end
Stunned silence, followed by buzzing murmurs, followed by enthusiastic applause
Lion: (growls)
Verily friends of the forest
my fame spreads from east to west
and from north to south
hear the words of my mouth
you all know me for my fairness
for my valour and my braveness
and assume I am sinless
but I do not profess
to be guiltless
Groans of disapproval … “you can’t be … oh no, not the king … ridiculous…”
Oh yes, oh yes, I’m not blameless
I will own to gluttonous greed
known for pouncing with great speed
killing and devouring sheep and goats_
Oh yes, I’ve sown many wild oats
have killed beasts that never did me harm or hurt
as neither did their good shepherd
giving full-time care and service
if I’m deemed the guiltiest I’ll pay the price
for justice to be served
my subsequent death well-deserved.
Fox detaches himself from the crowd and moves forward. His vulpine bark is part bark part scream. we write this b&s.
Fox :(b&s)
Sire, that you are a great king
is shown by your wisdom and clear thinking
your sense of justice and scrupulousness
a testament to your fairness
we all know sheep and goats are inferior
your majesty eating did them a great honour
eating them was by our laws permitted
absolutely no crime was committed
Prolongued applause, with positive comments overheard. “silly sheep … mischievous goats …
And those shepherds, don’t let me start
they appear meek but they’re smart
just look
at their crook
advertising their evil intent
telling the world they’re bent,
supposed to care for their flock
their duty and trust they flout and mock
killing those poor lambs of god
charring them over fire-wood
playing their flute
whilst their charge gets barbecued
they know how to self-serve
and got what they deserve
Sir Lion by making sirloin of them
dispensing justice was surely your aim
I put it to the house that it would be a travesty
to put any blame on the shoulder of his majesty
The assembly readily approve, consult and approves. consultation goes on for a while, stage darkens, followed by silence.
When stage is lit again, Cat moves forward.
Cat: A not-guilty verdict was reached, long live commonsense
unanimous approval of Sir Lion’s innocence.
( miaows)
which makes it easier to prove my submission
that I am the one deserving punition.
Than us felines none of God’s creature
has earned a more exalted stature
treated as dignified divinities
afforded all possible facilities
venerated Mafdet, Bastet and Sekhmet
in Egypt, when dead buried in jewelled crypt.
But I don’t deserve my good name
I hang my head in shame.
I am an unreformed villain
causing suffering and pain.
Oh the hosts of bats mice and rats
that I have thoughtless despatched
furry yellow chicks freshly hatched
the baby widgeons and cooing pigeons.
I’ve scratched out the eyelids of kids
I’ve given rabies to babies
I need say no more
finish me off to even the score.
Chorus of animals protesting excitedly. “A cat has to eat”, “newborn chicks feel no pain”, “plays with the mouse more than he kills”
Fox comes forward.
Fox: We debated the pros and cons from every angle
but the arguments were easy to disentangle.
A pretty thing with glistening fur
just listen to her melodious purr
on her whiskers her innocence write large
is not guilty of the slightest charge.
Loud cheering. “Cat, wonderful cat!” “‘innocence makes sense.” “Even Mice Love Cat.”
Fox: (b&s)
I welcome the opportunity
to own to my criminality
and if found guilty,
as I hope will be
I’ll submit
to the court’s remit
you all know my artfulness
my deceitfulness
I can look you in the eye
and tell a blatant lie
batting not one eye-lid
you’ve heard this said_
you all well know
how from the Crow
I finessed his cheese
with the greatest ease
but I’ve done a lot worse
I do not need to rehearse
get it right first time
for no one’s as sly as I’m.
my misdemeanours in the coop
amid the fowls their eggs and poop
have been well recorded
and in truth much applauded
I sneak my way in at midnight
when at its dimmest is the light
snatch a sleeping mother hen
and devour it there and then
taking no pity on their young ’uns
that I have by my sin made orphans.
I’m truly a renegade
deserving of a fusillade.
Moans of disapproval… no, no, no, we all have to eat, chickens are noisy, they poop all over the place, they eat worms … the beasts consult … stage darkens. when stage is lit again, Serpent comes forward.
Serpent: (hisses)
I am the bearer of good news
Fox ain’t guilty of any abuse
I fear I’m the cause of the pestilence
by giving myself too much licence
I have plotted, laid in wait and connived
and so many of God’s creatures deprived
of their lives, stopped birds hatching by snatching
eggs from nests when nobody was watching
I have eaten hundreds of rats and bats too
and on occasion a human child or two.
The whole world knows how I tempted Eve
I am truly beyond reprieve.
I must therefore surely be who hath
triggered Heaven’s ferocious wrath
the one who made the greatest contribution
to arouse God’s righteous retribution
Say the word and I’ll fall on my sword.
The creatures of the forest confer urgently in hushed whispers, stage becomes dark and complete silence.
When light comes back, Owl appears.
Owl: (ululates)
You heard Serpent’s acknowledgement
of his disregard of god’s commandment
but after careful deliberation
you came to the conclusion
that he did no more than a cat
forced to feed on a rat
he owns to eating a child
children can wicked and wild.
You wisely pronounced therefore
that there’s no case to answer for
Squirrel makes for centre stage.
Squirrel: (squeaks and grunts)
Although I’ve often made the lame claim
that the law I’ve always respected
I admit that I’ve always suspected
that I was rotten to the core
envious, greedy, grasping and much more.
Sir Lion ate sheep and shepherd
but when he was hungry, as you heard,
there are plenty more of them
left to carry on caring for the next lamb
but I own us squirrels are wastrels.
Chorus of animals: Boo, boo, boo, boo
I gorge on pine nuts
no ifs and buts
eat till I’m near bursting
all the seeds depleting
and when I can’t eat no more
I take the rest to my private store.
And it is my prodigal feeding
which hampers re-seeding
and forests once upon a time lush and green
turn into pathetic patches, arid and obscene.
Does Sir Lion kill more than one prey
eat bits here bits there then puts away
the rest for a rainy day?
No, he leaves most of his kill behind
for the lesser, the weaker animal kind
crows, jackdaws jackals, hyenas, vultures
and thus the folks of the forest he nurtures.
But selfish me, what I can’t eat, I store
that, I submit is my sad score
I hang my head in shame
and conclude I am the one to blame
for the undeserved pestilence
and am ready to accept my sentence.
Stunned silence. Stage darkens. Excited discussion, with words, selfishness, arrogance, criminal thoughtlessness, inexcusable … silence
Stage is lit again and Owl comes forward.
Owl: (ululates)
We have a winner! Or aloser if you will
that sinister back-stabbing Squirrel.
Who knew about his greed and his perfidy?
my head’s spinning, I’m so giddy.
Before we close this meeting
Anybody wants to add anything?
Absolute silence. Stage goes dark, and the sound of Donkey braying is heard.
Silence. Stage darkens.
Stage is lit again.
Donkey: (braying)
I must with that verdict quarrel
No way we can condemn Squirrel
I am the fellow you really want
Squirrel might well be adamant
but if you accept his hypothesis
that’ll be a gross miscarriage of justice
his crime was at best spurious
whilst mine was verily more serious.
How often whilst some church land crossing
hunger, the devil, and tender shoots pressing
I over them I allowed my tongue and teeth to run riot
not caring whether it was permitted or not
This is my true confession
I’m a blot on our reputation
a blot on the landscape
there’s no escape
I’m a scabious brute
I cared not a hoot
and invited heaven’s wrath
by avoiding the righteous path
The beasts of the forests are in a militant mood. They all seem united against the culpable ass.
Chorus. prolonged mixture of growls, hisses, barks, hoots
It’s clear it was the long-eared ass
He’s confessed to his unforgiveable trespass
It’s clear that whilst some church land crossing
His villainy and tender shoots pressing
He allowed his tongue and teeth to run riot
Not caring whether ’twas permitted or not
leaving a trail of desolation behind him
He is a reprehensible fiend
A scabious brute caring not a hoot
and so clearly behind this pestilence
So clearly guilty of a hanging offence.
For picking the field of others to feast on their grass
The only possible atonement must be death of the jackass
A chorus of sapproval greets this, and the animals round on Donkey raised hands as stage is illuminated by strobe lights as curtain falls.