Lockdown Poems
A scatological poem
A prism will split white light into seven hues
Red, orange, yellow, green, violet and the two blues
My intestines will also split the foods I eat
Red if I indulge in cherries or pickled beet
Blue when I go overboard with blueberries
And yellow when I eat a lot of Indian curries
Boiled Spinach, kale soup or French haricot bean
Will result in my body waste turning green
But so far nothing makes me produce shit
Coloured orange, indigo or violet
The Pandora Papers
Tony Blair is worth twenty-million writes wikipedia_
Something that is echoed by the media
Had he paid the levy and not use the tax loophole
When he bought his six million pound mansion
He would have just a little bit less gold
But he’d still be worth more than nineteen million
A Reminiscence in Verse
In my reckless youth my chatting-up technique
Was pathetic, with results fruitless and bleak
Once in a park I saw a girl with a bruised black eye
And thought I had the perfect chatting-up pitch
Who was the brute who did this to you, said I
Adding, what an effing son of a bitch
My black eye nothing, she said, you should have seen his
And I daresay you will if you don’t leave me in peace