High IQ and Low Intelligence
This is a revised version of an article published here a few years ago
Andrew Sabisky was a blogger who had published some daring views and was recruited to advise Prime Minister Johnson (do you remember him?) Among them, were that black people should be forcibly sterilised in order to stop the creation of untermensch.)
Young Mr Sabisky probably has a high IQ, but one can question whether this goes with low intelligence. That’s not a contradiction. He has left the premises, but de Pfeffel Johnson and Cummings are not spent forces and can well return to the task ruining the country without his help.
Intelligence is a difficult concept to grasp. It is the sum total of many sub-intelligences. Certainly the ability to solve mathematical or scientific problems is an important concomitant. We have no doubt that Mr Sabisky, Mr Cummings and De Pfeffel Johnson are well-equipped in these domains, but there are others that they are sadly lacking in. There is of course linguistic intelligence, artistic intelligence, locational intelligence, emotional intelligence, sporting intelligence, and many others. These many layers are not all measurable by methods forged in European centres. Many people with high IQ’s and low intelligence fail to grasp that.
I have worked in Africa and one of the most impressive qualities that I found in my tutees was their ability to learn languages. These youngsters spoke English, which was the medium of teaching, and many spoke French, Hausa, Ibo, Yoruba and probably other languages as well. Are the Brits less intelligent because even their top Radio and TV personalities make themselves ridiculous when they try to pronounce French, or any foreign language. One hears Mr Paxman, for instance say Mon/siou
It has been mooted that the Indians could easily have stolen a march on Europe and initiate the Industrial revolution. Preposterous? Take the Iron Pillar of Delhi. It was erected in 380 CE (or AD). Remarkably it was rust
resistant to a degree which has puzzled many experts. It is still one of the most important land-marks of India, although most people believe that the Taj Mahal is the only monument to Indian excellence in existence.
Imagine Mr Sabisky, De Pfeffel and Dominic Cummings were lost in the Australian outback (I know, what you are thinking but it’s not going to happen), within days they would be eating each other. Need I mention that the true natives of Australia have been existing in the wilds for centuries, keeping well-nourished and healthy. Does the capacity to do that feature in IQ tests?
A little-known fact is that Le Corbusier believed to be to architecture what Leonardo was to sculpture, copied the ideas of the people of the Mzab
(Algeria). Burkina Faso may be the poorest country in Africa in terms of per capita income, but it is a rich country when it comes to art. Its many mosques and mud structures have inspired modern Western architecture.
Art experts will readily agree that modern “European” art is very derivative of African art. Incredible art treasures are to be found in the Musée de
Tervuren in Belgium. In fact they call it Le Musée de l’Afrique Centrale for a reason! My favourite piece of art was a market scene painted made by one Kalumé. I bought it in Kisangani 50 years ago for under £5. I wouldn’t part with it for a million. Of course nobody but I remember Kalumé outside his village.
The eminent professor Steve Jones gave conclusive evidence in his learned tomes that as the current population of the world came from common ancestors, there can be no basis to the notion of racial superiority.