Erotica without Sex
Sex is not the only source of sensual pleasure
Many areas give a comparable measure
Of feel-good feelings, if not quite the paroxysm
Of a full-blown mind-boggling sexual orgasm.
Your nose tickles, is the fish nibbling or biting?
If nibbling is nothing, biting is exciting
Ah … Ah …Ah … please dear God please… Ah, ah .. Ahtschoom
Your gloom sinks like a rock and your spirits just zoom
Urinating and excreting are pleasurable
Activities, and painful when you’re not able
A rock hard turd is the only thing on this earth
That is a man’s closest experience to childbirth
The itch is a bitch. It needs a wider canvas
And cannot be described in less than two stanzas
All itches are equal but some more than others
An itch needs scratching when it its victim bothers
An itch between your toes is worth two in the bush
And about one and a half a dozen in your tush
But none is as sweet and luscious, we all know
As the itch between the long toe and the big toe