Akbar and Sita
This story should have been set by rights in Jahiliya, but Silguri Safari Park is in Kolkatta, considered, specially by Bengali folks as the most cultured and most highly educated province of India. It is about Akbar and Sita, a pair of lions which recently arrived at the park. Not everybody in the city gave a welcome to these glorious beasts. Certainly not the VHP, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, who thought that it was a sacrilegeous move to house these two together. The two protagonists were named, one after Akbar, a Muslim emperor, and Sita is the Hindu goddess of purity. The VHP avers that the hindu religion is being mockd by allowing Sita to be defiled by Akbar, and have threatened to use violence and force to put an end to this blasphemy. The fundamentalist Hindu party is taking the matter to court. It is feared that an unfavourable decision by the judge could lead to violence and deaths.
A point to muse is how, for example, would a Catholic population react to a pair called Mary and Judas being put in the same cage?