After the Funeral
A short film
INT ……………………………………PUB…………………………………….. DAY
After the funeral, mourners are having the funeral lunch at the pub. Widow is sitting alone at her table. Woman 2, in similar grey suit and hat approaches her table.
Woman 2: Can I join you? (Widow nods) I am_
Widow: I know who you are. Please sit.
Woman 2: You don’t mind_
Widow: Look you and I shared him, so we can just as well share a table (smiles wanly)
Woman 2: I know you must think I’m a right bitch, barging in uninvited _
Widow: I could have asked you but didn’t know how … shows you cared for him I suppose.
The two women dig into their fish and chips and drink their lager, in silence.
Woman 2: I hope you don’t mind my saying, but he was a lovely chap.
Widow: Aye, he was that.
Woman 2: So you knew? Didn’t you mind?
Widow: Not really. Even with a bit on the side, he couldn’t have loved me more. Never a cross word between us. So kind and considerate … so funny
Woman 2: Funny, though I knew the score, he made me totally happy. Never a cross word here either. Nobody could make me laugh like him.
They continue eating in silence for a while.
Widow: I’ll tell you a secret … before I met him, I was … you know AC/ DC. but once I got to know him, I … eh … straightened myself.
Woman 2: (Opens her mouth in shock) D’you know … I don’t believe this … same here... once I met him I broke up with Amy … my ex you know…
The women shake their heads in disbelief, exchange smiles.
Widow: He was such a presence in my life … how an I gonna cope with the loneliness, eh?
Woman 2 places a hand on Widow’s arm.
Woman 2: Perhaps we could … eh … I mean, we have him in common …
The two women smile knowingly at each other.